Products :: FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)


Technical Questions


  • How much time will it take to complete the program?

    As with any education program, an individual will complete lessons at varying rates. Course time varies based on individual skill level, content complexity, and continuing education time requirements. Once the lesson is completed, a timed test and evaluation is required to receive attendance or CE certificates.

  • How do I navigate through the program?

    The ‘levels’ bar at the very top of the screen will open a drop down menu to select and open a desired course within a series. Navigate through any course content via two options: 1) the sub-menu on the left-side of your screen or 2) the 'previous' and 'next' buttons located at the top of each screen below the icon bar. Functionality options are located in the icon bar (below the levels bar) providing 1) audio controls, 2) a full-screen option, 3) the ability to comment on a page and send us your valued feedback, 4) a search window to search the course for a specific term, 4) a bookmark feature to flag favorite pages for your reference, 5) an additional information area, 6) key questions to improve knowledge, and 7) a handy help icon for quick technical assistance within a course.  A User Guide provides detailed instructions and can be located in the left column of the My Curriculum page in the User Options section.

  • I have purchased product access and have a product access key. How do I access the program?

    You will need to create a new account on our site and enter the product access key in order to unlock the courseware. If you already have an account on our site, login as usual and then click on the 'Register Product Key' button in the left menu panel of the My Curriculum page. If you have any difficulties accessing the program, please contact Technical Support.

  • Do I need to access the program from the same computer each visit?

    Because our courseware is web-based, once you create an account you may log on from any computer, anywhere in the world. Be sure that the computer you are using meets our suggested minimum requirements.

  • Does the program work with my hospital's learning management system to track my education?

    Yes, our courseware was designed to communicate your activities and testing information with any LMS. Our courses are SCORM compliant.

  • I didn't get a passing score. Can I re-take the test?

    Testing may only be repeated 3 times, excluding EHAC and NIHSS, for each course. With the exception of EHAC and NIHSS, all testing is timed and user participation requires a score of 80% or greater to receive a CE hour certificate or completion certificate. Earned CE credits may be claimed only once annually.

    The NIHSS certification test is not timed and may be repeated as many times as desired to obtain a passing score or to improve your score. A score of 93% or greater is required for successful completion to become NIH Stroke Scale certified and to receive the appropriate certificate. Earned CE credits may be claimed only once annually.

    The EHAC test is not timed and may be repeated as many times as desired to obtain a passing score of 70% or to improve your score. After finishing the short quiz, you can take the EHAC deputization pledge and print your completion certificate. There are no CE hours associated with this program.

  • Can I leave the test and come back later?

    Because most of our tests are timed, we do NOT recommend exiting after starting a test. However, our courses are not timed and you may leave and come back to review the educational material at your convenience during your access term. Please note: Tests for the NIHSS and EHAC are NOT timed and you may exit and return at your convenience

imPULSE 4.0

  • What is imPULSE 4.0?

    imPULSE 4.0 is a comprehensive, eleven course, online ECG and chest pain competency series which includes Cardiac A & P and ACS Pathophysiology; Obtaining the ECG; Basic and Advanced ECG Rhythms; Core Elements and Interpretation of 12-Lead ECGs; Rapid Response to Chest Pain and Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS); Ongoing Cardiac Management for observation, inpatient, and outpatient management; Discharge and Prevention in ACS to address patient discharge considerations and ACS risk prevention; Excellence in ACS Care focused on collaborative practice, quality of care, and certification/accreditation; and EHAC for nonclinical support staff and community to provide early heart attack care by recognizing and quickly responding.

  • Who is imPULSE 4.0 for?

    imPULSE 4.0 delivers eleven unique, engaging courses to individuals, organizations, and academia. Beneficial to those in need of current, consistent ECG rhythm, 12 lead, and guideline-based chest pain education and resources. Makes required education easy and simple for organizations within regional systems of care seeking to achieve or maintain chest pain or heart attack center of excellence designations. Excellent for orientation, annual competencies, and professional development. Use as self paced or in a blended-learning approach. For clinical team staff from telemetry technicians to physicians, with novice to expert levels of experience. Includes additional early recognition and respond course for nonclinical support staff and community.

  • How much continuing education (CE) credit can I receive from the courses within imPULSE 4.0?

    For current continuing education (CE) credit and accreditation information for imPULSE 4.0, please see the CE credit page. After successfully testing (80% or better for Levels I-X), and completing the course evaluation, you may print your completion and/or CE certificate.

Hemispheres 3.0

  • What is Hemispheres 3.0?

    Hemispheres 3.0 is a comprehensive, interactive stroke competency series. The nine levels of Hemispheres 3.0 are Brain Anatomy and Physiology, Stroke Pathophysiology, Stroke Assessments, Rapid Stroke Response, Ischemic Stroke Inpatient, Hemorrhagic Stroke Inpatient, Discharge Considerations and Stroke Prevention, Excellence in Stroke Care, and Recognize and Respond (for public and support staff).

  • Who is Hemispheres 3.0 for?

    Hemispheres 3.0 is beneficial to stroke centers, potential stroke centers, regional stroke systems of care and those in need of current, consistent, stroke education and resources for staff. It delivers nine levels of content in a fun, unique, interactive, web-based format for use by both individuals and organizations. We designed Hemispheres 3.0 specifically to support education for healthcare professionals, nonclinical support staff, regional systems of care, and communities.

  • How much continuing education (CE) credit can I receive from the courses within Hemispheres 3.0?

    For current continuing education (CE) credit and accreditation information for Hemispheres 3.0, please see the CE credit page. After successfully testing (80% or better for Levels I-VIII), and completing the course evaluation, you may prent your completion and / or CE certificate.

Sepsis 3.0 - A Systemic Response

  • What is Sepsis 3.0 - A Systemic Response?

    Sepsis 3.0 - A Systemic Response is a five level competency series dedicated to enhancing healthcare team competency in early sepsis recognition, diagnosis, and rapid response for effective sepsis and septic shock management. What sets us apart is our commitment to delivering clinically meaningful and relevant-to-practice education to ensure confident and competent best practice patient care.

  • Who is Sepsis 3.0 - A Systemic Response for?

    Sepsis 3.0 - A Systemic Response delivers five unique, engaging courses to individuals, organizations, and academia. This competency series is beneficial to those in need of current, guideline-based education and resources. Excellent for orientation, annual competencies, and professional development of healthcare teams. Used as a stand alone, self-paced educational activity or in a blended-learning approach. For the entire team from nurses and physicians to nurse practitioners and physician assistants to ancillary staff with novice to expert experience. Includes additional recognize and respond course for clinical and nonclinical support staff.

  • How much continuing education (CE) credit can I receive from the courses within Sepsis 3.0 - A Systemic Response?

    For current continuing education (CE) credit for Sepsis 3.0 - A Systemic Response, please see the CE credit page. After successfully testing (80% or better for Levels I-III), and completing the course evaluation, you may print your completion and/or CE certificate.

Heart Failure - Focused 2.0

  • What is Heart Failure - Focused 2.0?

    Heart Failure - Focused 2.0 is a three-level heart failure competency series that provides essential information in an easy to understand, engaging format. This program is a spin-off from Heart Failure - Comprehensive with just the right amount of required annual education for accreditation.

  • Who is Heart Failure - Focused 2.0 for?

    This course is designed for direct care nurses and other clinical staff involved in the care of heart failure patients. Healthcare organizations can use this program to achieve or maintain heart failure accreditation or certification, and to improve overall performance, reimbursement, and reduce patient readmissions.

  • How much continuing education (CE) credit can I receive from the courses within Heart Failure - Focused 2.0?

    For current continuing education (CE) credit and accreditation information for Heart Failure – Focused, please see the CE credit Page. Once you have successfully passed the test after each level (80% or better for Levels I-III), you may print a course completion and/or certificate. To submit for CE credit, a course evaluation is required.

Heart Failure - Comprehensive 2.0

  • What is Heart Failure - Comprehensive 2.0?

    Heart Failure - Comprehensive 2.0 expands and reinforces your knowledge of heart failure through six interactive courses. You will learn the complexity of heart failure as a clinical syndrome, as well as a progressive disease. The basics to advanced content includes a focus on signs and symptoms, assessment, risk scoring, guideline-directed management, and contributors to exacerbation.

  • Who is Heart Failure - Comprehensive 2.0 for?

    This educational series is designed for any healthcare professional involved in the care of heart failure patients. It makes difficult heart failure concepts, such as hemodynamics, easy to understand. Heart Failure - Comprehensive 2.0 is a must-do series for heart failure certification and accreditation.

  • How much continuing education (CE) credit can I receive from the courses within Heart Failure - Comprehensive 2.0?

    Heart Failure - Comprehensive 2.0 delivers multiple courses each with varying amounts of continuing education (CE) credit. See the CE credit page for specific information. After successfully testing and course evaluation completion, you may print your continuing education certificate.

Canadian Hemispheres 3.0

  • What is Canadian Hemispheres 3.0?

    Canadian Hemispheres 3.0 is a comprehensive, interactive stroke competency series. The nine levels of Canadian Hemispheres 3.0 are Brain Anatomy and Physiology, Stroke Pathophysiology, Stroke Assessments, Rapid Stroke Response, Ischemic Stroke Inpatient, Hemorrhagic Stroke Inpatient, Discharge Considerations and Stroke Prevention, Excellence in Stroke Care, and Recognize and Respond (for public and support staff).

  • Who is Canadian Hemispheres 3.0 for?

    Canadian Hemispheres 3.0 is beneficial to stroke centres, potential stroke centres, regional stroke systems of care and those in need of current, consistent, stroke education and resources for staff. It delivers nine levels of content in a fun, unique, interactive, web-based education for use by both individuals and organizations. We designed Canadian Hemispheres 3.0 specifically to support education for healthcare professionals, clinical and nonclinical support staff, regional systems of care, and communities.

  • How much continuing education (CE) credit can I receive from the courses within Canadian Hemispheres 3.0?

    For current continuing education (CE) credit and accreditation information for Canadian Hemispheres 3.0, please see the CE credit page. After successfully testing (80% or better for Levels I-VIII), and completing the course evaluation, you may print your completion and / or CE certificate.

Responder 2.0

  • What is Responder 2.0?

    Responder 2.0 is an online, interactive STEMI Recognition course which includes a review of Acute Coronary Syndrome, ECG lead placement, emergency response time goals, and pre-hospital decisions. STEMI recognition is promoted through the use of case studies, ECG drills, and ECG interpretation. Also included in the program is the importance of a STEMI System of Care, Excellence in STEMI Care, Multidisciplinary Team Coordination, STEMI System Metrics, and Resources.

  • Who is Responder 2.0 for?

    Responder 2.0 is beneficial for pre-hospital and emergency medical personnel, or those in need of ACS-STEMI education and resources. The content is presented in a unique, interactive, web-based format for use by both individuals and organizations. We designed Responder 2.0 specifically to support staff education for healthcare professionals.

  • How much continuing education credit can I receive from Responder 2.0?

    For current continuing education (CE) credit and accreditation information for Responder 2.0, please see the CE credit page. After successfully testing (80% or better), and completing the course evaluation, you may print your completion and/or CE certificate.

Responder 3.0

  • What is Responder 3.0?

    Responder 3.0 is an online, interactive ACS and STEMI recognition course which includes content for cardiac and non-cardiac chest pain, ECG lead placement, time-sensitive emergency response and pre-hospital decision protocols. STEMI recognition is promoted through the use of case studies, ECG drills, and check learning quizzes. Excellence in ACS care focused on partnerships and collaborative practice, quality improvement initiatives, and recognition programs specific to EMS are also presented.

  • Who is Responder 3.0 for?

    Responder 3.0 is beneficial for pre-hospital and emergency medical personnel, or those in need of ACS education and resources with emphasis on STEMI recognition and care in the prehospital setting. The content is presented in a unique, interactive, web-based format for use by both individuals and organizations to support orientation, annual competencies and professional development for healthcare professionals.

  • How much continuing education credit can I receive from Responder 3.0?

    For current continuing education (CE) credit and accreditation information for Responder 3.0, please see the CE credit page. After successfully testing (80% or better), and completing the course evaluation, you may print your completion and/or CE certificate.

NIH Stroke Scale Training & Certification

  • What is the NIH Stroke Scale?

    The NIH Stroke Scale is a neurological examination used to measure the patient's status after a stroke and in assessing the outcome after treatment. Among stroke neurologists and neuroscience nurses, it is the most widely used stroke deficit scale. The NIH Stroke Scale contains parameters for observing changes in the patient's neurological status and measuring stroke severity.

  • What is included in this educational program?

    The program is a training video developed by neurologists from the University of Cincinnati, the University of Iowa, and the National Institutes of Health - National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NIH-NINDS). Included are discussion points and patient demonstration for each of the 11-item neurological exams. To complete this activity, you must complete all of the exercises, pass the test with a score of 93% or better and complete the participant feedback tool.

  • How do I know which category (A, B, C, D, etc.) of patients I am testing on?

    The patient group will be identified on your NIH Stroke Scale certification certificate.

  • How long is NIH Stroke Scale certification valid for?

    The NIH Stroke Scale certification through Apex Innovations is valid for one year from the initial testing date for Patient Group A. The expiration for all other subsequent patient groups is two years from the testing date.

  • How many CE's does the NIH Stroke Scale provide?

    3.0 continuing education hours are available for successful completion which includes a post-test passing score of 93% or better and the completion of an evaluation form.

  • How do I review the questions I answered incorrectly?

    The National Institutes of Health does NOT permit the review of individual test results for the NIH Stroke Scale.

Free E-learning

  • What is EHAC?

    EHAC is a public awareness campaign and a free educational program authored by Dr. Raymond Bahr and promoted by the ACC Accreditation Services. The goal is to educate the public about the early warning signs and symptoms of an impending heart attack. EHAC means Early Heart Attack Care and stresses the message that heart attacks have beginnings and the public can help with recognition and response as well as pledge to act to save a life.

  • Who is EHAC for?

    EHAC is for the public to learn about Early Heart Attack Care. It was developed and authored by Dr. Raymond Bahr and is promoted by the ACC Accreditation Services to stress the message that heart attacks have beginnings. EHAC is a required educational component for hospitals seeking Chest Pain Center Certification. It is designed for all hospital staff, clinical and non-clinical, who can help with recognition and response of Early Heart Attack Care to save a life.

  • What is NIHSS?

    The NIH Stroke Scale is an 11-item neurological examination used to measure the patient's status after a stroke. After a baseline score is attained, the scale also contains parameters for observing changes in the patient's neurological status and measuring stroke severity. This free NIHSS educational program is a series of training videos developed by neurologists from the University of Cincinnati, the University of Iowa, and the National Institutes of Health-National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NIH-NINDS). Included in the videos are discussion points and patient demonstrations to help you perform and score this patient assessment accurately.

  • Who is NIHSS for?

    NIHSS education and certification is for all clinical staff who are involved in the care of the stroke patient. The scale is a clinical assessment tool used to measure the patient's status after a stroke. It is used during the initial assessment and treatment and throughout the hospital stay. The scale is usually performed by Emergency room physicians or nurses, neurologist, inpatient nurses, therapist, or other members of the acute stroke team.

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